5 ways to break out of the Everyday ‘Norm’

Jory James
5 min readJul 9, 2019

Are you tired of doing the same thing every day? Don’t you want to get out of that boring daily cycle? In this post, I am going to show you how to ‘spice up’ your life in 5 simple ways:

1. Do something that makes you uncomfortable each day.

As you go through life, for many people, they find themselves doing the same activities every day. But when you do something ‘uncomfortable’, it gives you a feeling of uniqueness and difference.

Doing something uncomfortable usually means that you are moving in the right direction toward having a more interesting life.

In a ‘normal’, boring lifestyle, for example, one would probably wake up at 6:30 am and rush to get to work. What about waking up at 5 am instead and taking your cool time to get to work earlier than usual? What about exercising on mornings and eating healthier instead of stuffing as much food into your mouth as you can under a minute?

If you take this advice to heart, you will surely make progress in your goals and you will live a happier, less boring life.

2. Look at things from a different perspective

Sometimes, the reason life looks so monotone(fancy word for boring) is because you’re looking at life through the same old, monotone perspective.

We are going through our days seeing everything the same way we saw it yesterday and the day before that.

Usually, all we need to do is to change the angle or the view through which we perceive our environment and all the people and things within it.

Maybe you see your workplace as the ‘pit of hell’ where you work endlessly for mediocre pay. You could also see it this way...

..as an incubator for learning, pushing your limits, gaining patience and experience. And at the end of all these benefits, you still get rewarded for your hard work.

Immediately you can see the shift of perspective which brings a brighter outlook on your work and you begin to think of your workplace as a haven for development and networking. This will enchant your spirit and allow you to find the good in the most gloomy days when you need it most.

3.Learn something new

Another vital reason as to why you might be having a dull life is that you keep the same colorless knowledge base.

We live life sometimes learning new information by chance, and usually this type of unintentionally learnt knowledge is irrelevant or not important such as what the next most popular song is(How is that gonna help us?).

You need to start sharpening the ‘ol’ noodle’ by learning new things. Here are some things you might consider worth learning:

  • Coding — being a self-taught programmer myself, I have to include this one. There is an increasingly high demand for coders in this day and age and I am sure this is not your first time hearing this.
  • A new Language — with the world becoming ‘smaller’ every minute it is important that one can communicate in a language other than his/her native language.
  • Effective Communication — at this point in time, one of the only differences between success and failure is communication. We need to be able to efficiently share our ideas with each other because success calls for interdependence(teamwork).
  • Investing — you need to learn to manage an investment portfolio if you are a person who wants to gain riches in this world. Many financial planners recommend that 10–15 percent of your gross income should be invested.
  • Typing — many people use an incorrect method of typing and in our current generation, typing swiftly and correctly is an essential skill.

4. Talk to people who you would not usually talk to

A lot of the time, we are shy or don’t have the so-called courage to walk up to someone new or someone who you feel nervous to speak to. In these cases, you need to evaluate why you are agitated and the simple question, “Why am I feeling this way to speak to this individual?”

Sometimes we need to determine all the things that could go wrong to realize that there is probably no reason to be worried, then just walk up to them and converse politely.

Many times when we speak to a person of high influence we get this feeling. This is a good indicator that speaking to the person will create opportunities for us and can create networks that will benefit us.

Next time you feel nervous to speak to someone, evaluate the situation, then without any more thought just go to him/her and chat.

5. Set daily goals

For many people, they set goals for the year or next few years and that’s as far as goal setting goes for them. They write up massive new year’s resolutions and at the end of the year they wonder, “How did the year go by so quickly?”

This is a major flaw that some of us have because when we see those goals that are so far away from us, we say stuff like, “I still have time” and we don’t see the actionable steps that we can take to get those goals.

When you set goals each day as you wake up, you know the exact steps you need to take today, to accomplish those bigger goals tomorrow.

Think of it as short-term and long-term goals. When the short-term goals — which are easier to accomplish and closer to us now — are accomplished, one by one our long-term goals will eventually be accomplished as well.

Next time you are writing your goals, ask yourself “What can I do now to accomplish these massive goals?”


These were 5 ways to ‘spice up’ your life and escape that everyday ‘norm’ feeling we all get at some point in time. If you apply all these methods to your current life, I can guarantee you a happier, more fulfilling life. Feel free to comment below or contact me.

